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社会工作 & 护理管理

网上买球软件 Integrated 护理管理 team members are available during an emergency department visit or hospitalization to assist you and your family with:

  • Discharge planning for home or to the next level of care
  • Community resources for follow up care, 住房, 食品不安全, 照顾者支持, 运输, 心理健康, and substance use treatment
  • In person or virtual communication services free of charge, including sign language and interpretive services for Spanish, 越南, and other foreign languages

出院后, you may also receive a call from a team member to follow up and provide coaching and community resources for health management and wellness.

If you have questions about the Integrated 护理管理 program, please call our office at 410.535.8235.

Community Resources Packet